We do not accept returns or exchanges unless the item you purchased is defective. If you receive a defective item, please contact us at (855) 422-8588 with details of the product and the defect. The purchase of a battery delivery service allows for a warranty within the purchase time frame.
Upon receipt of the returned product, we will fully examine it and notify you via e-mail, within a reasonable period of time, whether you are entitled to a refund or a replacement as a result of the defect. If you are entitled to a replacement or refund, we will replace the product or refund the purchase price, using the original method of payment.
Should a refund be warranted due to cancellation or inability to service the refund usually occurs same day or next business day. The time to see the refund with you bank can take between 5 -7 business days.
Orders are processed on a first come first serve basis. Orders are completed at the appointment time scheduled by the customer. A representative will deliver and install at the provided customer location within the service area.
Customers choose their appointment times either online or by booking with an agent of the mobile battery squad. Should there be an issue with meeting that time chosen a customer service representative will communicate with the customers via phone or text. Appointments are rescheduled upon customers approval or cancelled and refunded if the issue is due to our error.
Should there be an inability to deliver due to the customers failure, the cancellation policy will be enforced for a “no-show” payment acceptance.
All appointments created will require a valid credit card to hold the appointment. Cancellations must be made (4) hours prior to your appointment. If you call to cancel your appointment less than (4) hours prior to your appointment you will be billed a $100.00 cancellation fee at our discretion. A "no-show" appointment will result in a 100% charge for the appointment with no refunds. If you have problems with keeping your appointment, please call us (we're people too and know things happen).
Should you book an appointment in an location outside our service area you will be refunded for the exception of $25.00. This amount covers the merchant fees associated with your booking.